
Monday Meditations
This poem is from my book, The Book of Crooked Prayer, celebrating it's five-year anniversary in 2025. I post the poem here because in our current times, I think we're all feeling a little uncertain, unsure how to move forward. But I'm convinced, we will go on...
of a migrating bird’s hollow bones,
snapped against a bitter crosswind,
or the latticework of ancient porches
splintered in a sudden prairie gale,
or a field of corn, stripped to confetti
in a flash of hail.
how a foot slips the precipice,
the long fall to ponder the long fall,
or the sudden seize of a heart, breathless
wait! wait! on the tip of a blue tongue,
or the car wheels’ slow glide on black
ice, the guardrail a suggestion, and
how do I dare
put one foot before the other,
brush my hair, wave to the neighbor?
How do I put on my coat, when
that thin line looms so near,
listens for the creak of my door?
You feel it too. How do we dare
go on?